When dealing with a defaulted loan or defaulted promissory note, you must avoid allowing the same excuses over and over as to why the account is in arrears.
When a consumer is having difficulties financially, they are in most cases, picking and choosing who gets paid and who doesn’t.
STRAT8G, LLC. will assure you to be the highest priority to be paid. STRAT8G, LLC. understands the effect late payments and defaulted accounts have on financial institutions, and that’s why we’re devoted to improving the bottom line of our clients. Our professional team of collection specialist can help with many of today’s most common financial instruments.
• Bank Loans
• Personal loans
• Promissory Notes
• Student Loans
• Other Loan Accounts
Our experience and knowledge of the collection industry, combined with our awareness of all laws relating to loans, credit cards and consumer communication, results in our clients retaining more customers through the deficiency periods. Our collection agents are well versed and compliant with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
When you choose STRAT8G, LLC., banks and other financial institutions will see immediate results in the recovery percentages of these non-performing accounts. Our collection specialist is focused on maintaining a strong relationship between the client and the debtor who has fallen behind on payments. This will improve the client’s future relationship with the debtor and their bottom line.